1 minute read

All of the images on this site were photographed by me and I own the copyright on them. This means that you cannot redistribute or republish them in any form, on the web or off. You cannot give or sell them to other people. Some people have the mistaken impression that copyright restrictions only applies to commercial use, and they believe that if they don’t make money they can redistribute copyrighted work as they wish. That’s wrong, and it hurts the creator of the work.

I have chosen to display good sized images without watermark for your enjoyment as I want you to enjoy the images without a digital watermark or copyright notice over the image. In return I ask that you do not abuse this privilege.


These screen images on this site are for your personal use only. You can add them to your screen saver or print them out to hang over your desk, etc., but you cannot redistribute or republish them in any form. You cannot give nor sell them to other people. If you want to show or give the images to others, give them a link to the images on this site so they can browse and see all the images if they want to.

If you want to redistribute my images for some reason, license them for a product, incorporate them in your own work, or just give a print to a friend for a special reason, Send me an email (se footer of page below for email adress) and ask me first.

There’s a very good chance I’ll say OK. I’ll happily discuss terms for noncommercial redistribution and licensing for commercial use or publication.


Photos on this site are available for license for use on book covers, cd covers and other stock uses. The cost of the license will vary with the usage of the images, so email me with specifics and I can give you a price.


Send me an email if you have any questions or comments about this website, my essays, want to buy a print, discuss terms for noncommercial redistribution or licensing for commercial use or publication, I would love to hear from you.

Ronny A. Nilsen

